Beautiful Hangover

21st August ok first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONEH! ^^ went to meet her straight after work. i waited for so long, till the police patrolling might think i'm suspicious kkk lucky to have "the cloud sketcher" keep me occupied. gave her Mighty wallet as birthday present. must emphasize, its MIGHTY. made of plastic fiber which is water resistant. curious? just google mighty wallet will do. dine @ pastamania, we had the same - chicken ham crumble cheese pasta (something like that) cheesy enough. stroll to cine, bought the tickets and ate frolicks. imo, yami yoghurt tastes much nicer!! the frolick's strawberry taste like medicine! y'know, ANTIBIOTICS!!!! COLOUR ALSO THE SAME! HA, still edible la. but raisins were as hard as rock. so despite the pic above, we didn't watch Inception in the end :( instead, we caught Love in Disguise. it was decent, more of comedy than romance. the fool sitting next to me was laughing her head off! after movie, we shop around. yy bough...