
Showing posts from April, 2009


morning, had icts. i finally saw sand!!! :D she was having attachment that's why didn't manage to see her since school started :( lesson was boringggg, stupid access again. and there's a project, im grouped with 2 other people whom i do not know D: lunched at koufoooo. whoa, it's been a super long time since i ate at there hahaha... ordered yong tau foo, not nice one. the mian xian hor, like never ending one lo! next lesson was supply chain! the tutor told us that we have overseas exchange programme this year! omg i really feel like going... it's time for me to learn how to be independent hahah!! then got this fedex competition. tutor says need 4 teams (each team 2 members) from year 2 students. usually this kind of thing nobody will like to participate one hor, but this class damn enthu sia! my class actually got 3 groups of people interested lol. and the top prize is a trip to bangkok wahahhaha!!! but since the paper states that the 1st prize is 2000usd, and even

little by little

had french class in the morning. since me and fer were slightly late (actually it was me, eh no, it was the train), we were kinda clueless when we entered the classroom, cause the tutor was speaking in french!! our tutor for french is monsieur (mer-s-yur) terrence sim. later, i was seperated from fer T_T had to sit with this table of strangers... haha it was kinda awkward. after french class, i quickly go buy all my books since the queue wasn't that long. whoa, damn heavy sia!! and my $50 note became only $10 note... *heartache* next we have marketing mgmt lecture! wah the lecturer talk like bullet train, but it's okay, at least i still can catch some balls. lunched at mac canteen. wah... so long never eat those sandwiches from splash and decker already, really miss it! and rach spot shucas and agm with her supersonic eyesight! hahha.. oh ya, speaking of agm, during the efma lecture, the lecturer told us that agm stands for annual general meeting hahaha!!! it's a meeting fo

very black white day

the following is one small part taken from "ugly". it's about a girl who was abused by her mum and stepdad(eastman) when she was young cause they think that she is ugly, but later in life she managed to get out of the house and eventually became a lawyer. 'sweetness', said ina, 'do you go to church?' 'of course she goes to church,' snapped my mother. 'what, you think is only you close to god?' 'she is a sinner, carmen.' 'you a sinner, ina. you have 4 pickney, everyone born again and not a father in sight. born again and again and again. we are all sinners, ina.' said my mother. 'you think is only you know god?' 'would you like to come to my church, clare?' said ina, ignoring her. 'ladies,' said josephine, 'please put your legs in the air.' ina looked at eastman, who looked at my mother and said, 'the whole fucking world has gone mad.' they all placed their cups on the table and lean ba

better off this way

so today is the first day of school for most of my friends, but not for me! still got another week to rot before school starts, good eh? i'm getting a bit excited for school. i'd find myself wondering who will be my classmates, will we get along well, are they going to be as anti-social like me, etc...... sigh... its useless to think about this kind of stuff, but i just can't help it hahah. oh well, bye for now.

dream another sunset

went to cycle at ecp with swing, lucas and fer today. we cycled the whole of ecp and almost reaching changi airport! exceed the time though. but the next time i'll make sure i cycle to changi beach!! we rest at mac's lol at that time air-con was simply paradise! haha and after all the cycling i felt like im floating lol it seems like walking isnt normal anymore. guess all of us were on power saver mode while walking to big splash for the shuttle bus. oh man that process really suck. somemore the air con doesn't seem to be working on the bus! at least for my side la. stop at parkway parade, and have lunch at banquet. we were so striving by then! (cause we took our own sweet time to decide, end up is always ME!!! -.-) then we went to the new shopping centre at tampines(idk the name).. we walked finish all the levels, damn tired! so home sweet home~ omg, now that swing have asked, i realized my face is a bit red. hai, chao ta already la. and my hands are swollen, wth!!! :( p.s

cause you're so smooth

these are ah gong's hamsters, so cute right! talking about hamsters, that naughty hamster just passed away a few days ago. so sad la! i couldn't even see it for the last time, but my mum took a video of it, so ke lian lo! it didn't move at all T_T i swear i won't have any pets in my life! serious. and dont ask me why but i just dreamt of qi yu wu yesterday. he was with 3 other guys whom i thought all of them looked rather alike, so i told him this and he faint. what a weird dream lol!

chocolate cosmos

the following is a weird flower. sigh, new updates for timetable.. i've got NE lectures on wednesday! means there're 2 days which i end lessons at 6pm.. oh no. moreover, i've no breaks from 12 to 6!! cool man??? oh ya did i mention, my parents suddenly have the urge to get a dog! but in the end didn't la lol it's a good thing i guess, cause i don't think i can handle it if it pass away or something. i prolly think too far. anyway i went to watch fast and furious earlier on. was an impromptu decision though haha. must be a super high cost production with all those gorgeous cars *recalls eliz's words* and right now, i can't sleep.. darn alert and happy for no particular reason(hehe, haha). must be the mocha, the hot mocha. why'd i forget the ice? hmmmm. but nvm, least it was good. guess i'll stay awake till another few more hours. need to find stuff to kill time. g'night friend. or morning?


to start of with today's post, i shall proudly announce that the spoilt child, geraldine neo, have finally cooked her very first dish~! and the dish is none other than her favourite aglio olio!!! (sorry no pictures of it as y'know... it's not very presentable, yet.) i think the cheese saved the final product hahaha but okay la overall its not bad. hmmmmmmm,,,, so timetable's out. I'VE GOT LESSONS TILL 6PM ON TUESDAY WTH!!!!! IS THERE ANY JUSTICE TO IT?!?!?! OH YES, DEFINITELY. so on a bright note, this is what i'm satisfied with my new timetable: - i got into french for electives!! - no forgetting that i have fer and rach(i think) to accompany me for lectures on monday and tuesday, yay!! - no 8am lessons YES. - 2hour lessons on monday and friday! hmmmmmmmm,,, what more can i ask for?

you can't play our broken strings

HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY GERALDINE NEO SHI LEI! haha my wishes are already written in the card so i won't repeat them here again. and do take note that when i said "all the best", it's v.v.v sincere okay not sarcastic!! so we start the day by going to eliz's house to prepare some stuff. me and yy were playing dynasty warrior on her bro's ps3 :D we won the chaos mode!!! her bro and my bro never win before okay! also, we saw a super funny video. it's a guy trying to dance like the wondergirls while at work! damn crazy la. then her bro fetch us to ecp. yay so we can save on transport fee haha.. initially, the picnic was good cause of the weather. but it started raining, which is so irritating. oh and they make fun of the "no ordinary bird" lol. eat until so full! then we took bus to potong something then trained down to DG to watch confessions of a shopaholic at the cathay. that show's super funny la! esp the girl dancing that part, made us laugh lik