
Showing posts from April, 2010

The Wager

USS! 3 little pigs! macho man! (notice:man, not men) what can i say? its definitely fun! with all the rollar coasters kkkkkkkk initially i had no guts to sit cylon........ (since i never sit before an upside down rollar coaster) but towards the end i finally gave in to their persuasion cause they said its not as scary as human. well anyway, its true!!! not scary at all! it doesn't even feel like its upside down (maybe too fast already). and btw after sitting human i couldn't walk straight due to the dizziness but cylon was perfectly fine!! had lunch at goldilocks. i order this chicken burger, and it was so big!!! just looking at it makes you feel full. ben got a woody woodpecker lunch box (which was obviously meant for kids) and said only real man holds it -_- totally BS. the moment he stepped out of the fast food restaurant he hid it in his bag HAHAHHA!!! so much for being a MAN. so right after our stomach was filled with food, we went to sit the rollar coaster inside the &quo