don't assume, gossip king

went to celebrate rach's birthday in advance today!

met shucas at DG then go buy her present. i sacrificed my nails to test the nail polish colours and me and swing made a fool of ourselves. cause we couldn't find the cotton pad and the nail polish remover when it was just in front of us hahaha.

walk around ps while waiting for rach and fer to finish watching their ailen vs monsters. haha rach said she slept during the show!

next, we wanted to go cathay but decided to walk up the long flight of stairs at mount sophia. it was tiring... and i believe i was a source of encouragment to rach LOL.

we're at the top of singapore!!

we walked a long way to get out of mt sophia though -.-

then we went into paradize centre. rach, lucas and me went into the singapore pools!! damn cool la this singapore pool is so different from others, got AMBIENCE one leh. me and rach bought our first scratch card hahaha. damn funny.

me: i want one $1 scratch card
aunty: 你十八岁了没有?
me: 十八岁了啦!要不要看我的ID?
aunty: 哈哈哈嗯。
*happily pass my student card to the aunty and she began analysing my card and stupid lucas laughing by the side*
aunty: 你要一张而已hor?
me: 嗯。哈哈这是我第一次买scratch card.
aunty: 哈哈,那祝你好运!

the aunty damn friendly. when it was rach's turn, the aunty also asked her for her card LOL! lucas no need to show if i did not remember wrongly lol.

lucas won 5 bucks LOL thanks to rach, she scratch that box! soon-to-be birthday girl got luck!

went to cathay, wanted to eat ashton's specialities for dinner but the queue damn long, so we went to eat at 日本村 instead. haha got this waiter, he walked damn fast, machiam elephant LOL! rach looked so sleepy, but when lucas talked to her about soccer, her eyes immediately brightens up hahaha!

after dinner, we went to ben&jerrys! i finally use my voucher that i got from swing's gift exchanging last christmas hahaha... we bought the merlionster haha when fer said that she sound fierce.


when we were almost done eating merlionster, the person surprised rach with a slice of cake!

something mudcake. damn nice!

slacked on the comfy sofa, was reluctant to get up since i was having a bad stomachache lol.

then they want to take pictures at the singapore idol queue there. seriously, i don't know why they like to take so many pictures lol.

oh ya! lemon was there too, so fer was like "hurry!! go!!" when lucas went to talk to him hahaha and at the japanese restaurant no wonder she wants to accompany me queue up la -.- i still thought she was so KIND!

stomach was like aching like siao la so irritating. so i didn't join in their camwhoring session lol. and i've learnt my lesson, never sit in front of fer when she has her camera with her LOL. she'll just go snapping candid shots la! and most of them is unglam ones!!

finally took the circle line train home! was super amazed lol cause doesn't look like bishan mrt at all.

really had so much fun today exclude the stomachache. this is the most wonderful clique! but sand never come cause she needs to entertain her client =( SANDDD WE MISS YOU! haha talking about sand, we decided to play a prank on her since she lost all of our contacts. i pretended to be rach, but oh well... she knows i'm kylie -.- not fun at all you donkey we're not monkeys.


my new chair have arrived 2 days ago! damn shiok hahaha don't feel like leaving after sitting =p


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