that's life for you

sigh, these 2 days i've been sleeping less than 4hours. don't know why. i even tried playing sudoku but its useless. haha i'm so desperate to sleep that i've resort back to taking cough syrup.
my panda eyes :(

for today's interview, i think it was pretty screwed. it was quite scary as the whole interview is like those biz conference we watched on the telly! everyone sat opposite of the director and his 2 assistants, then the director threw a question for us to answer.

and y'know why i said i screwed up my interview? cause the conversation between me and the director got what north korea, missiles, landmines and even 大长今!! ohmigod, so out of topic la!

sigh... don't wanna think about it already. look on the bright side, if i'm not selected, i no need to take the stupid flu jab!!! this is definitely something worth to be happy about ^^

after the interview, we changed back to our normal clothes and head to amk hub!

we were so straving by then. i even told fer that i could eat a cow LOL! what made it worst is the stupid long queue for the movie tickets! took so long la the staff so inefficient one lo so i rate them poor hahaha, a hungry man is an angry man!!!

after buying the tickets, rach came and we ate ichiban for brunch. don't know why, i remember saying i could eat a cow but after eating 2 plates of sushi my stomach start to pain already zzz

anyway, transformers's great. much funnier than the previous one but in terms of storyline the first one is better.


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