reaching you..


i've deleted my tagboard since there's not much use for it.

anyway, i met up with the aliens for presentation last wed.

yihui baked some cny cookies for us, thanks =D~

saw sand and lucas at mac's. sand's classic action never changes hahaha!!! and i almost couldn't recognise lucas from far LOL!! i thought he was someone else =x now left rachel haven't meet up with her yet =(

presentation was rather informal, since the director was v friendly haha..

after that we went to DG for brunch at ashton's specialities then watch the tooth fairy. even though it was really funny, but i don't really like that show cause it has some chasing scenes -.- (like the cat chasing after that tooth fairy). i dislike it!!

and it was my brother's birthday, didn't buy anything for him hahahaha since i'm quite broke already. anyway that evisu hoodie and adidas bag should be enough for him =p

work was getting better, at least my eyes doesn't feel that strained anymore.. i also managed to teach some young students, CHINESE. omg can you believe it!!! CHINESE!! haix. some words i don't even know how to read lo, lucky got the han yu pin ying, or else dieeeee. *bangs head*

i should improve my chinese like NOW!!! i know what to do! watch CHINESE DRAMAS LOL! good idea right! yeahhh it shall be like this for now kkkkkkkkk =p

btw, anyone of you have a twitter? if you have, add me okay! twitting is much easier than blogging kkkkkkk

oh yes, in 11 days!

everytime i think about that dream,
i would smile like a fool kkkkkkk C:
its just too good to be true.


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