
recently, teaching was enjoyable.

there's this little boy call jirehx, super cute!!! he can count from 28 then jump to 90 hahaha... and after he finished his classwork, i told him to write down the time which was 5:19... but he said "but just now i saw 5:18, so i will write 5:18." hahahha!! kids are so cute.

and another indian boy, he just kept on smiling like nobody's biz. one question, he was supposed to write the exact same words from the question - "Do the women run?", as he wrote that, he ownself answer to himself - "Yes, the women always run!" HAHAHAHA really bth!


i'm so excited kkkkkkkkkkk gmarket goods are arriving!! i'm so gonna guard my house door, wait for the delivery man to come.

can't wait to wear the banc watch :D (yes, finally got a watch after so many donkey years.)


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