A Premonition

happy birthday kylie. great, you're one year closer to hitting an age that starts with 2.

my birthday was celebrated yesterday(was told by mum that 13th is my chinese birthday), with the lovelies.

they surprised me with a bakerzin mango mousse cake @ iciban boshi. thou' we made quite a mess, but it was still fun! thanks for the cake, it was nice! =D

had a round of bishi bashi 2! this time my hands wasn't swollen haha thank goodness.

the awards was okay, but i couldn't stand the fact that no food or drinks are allowed inside! and there inside they were selling food and drinks! wtf la, i just bought jelly beans and was told to throw them away?! eliz granny was pissed off by them, but we don't care we just sneak in with the sugars we bought kkkkk

don't get it, why are they so money-minded. SG ONLY CARE ABOUT MAKING MONEY IS IT AM I WRONG. if not, why are the rules so ridiculous? like, no drinking in mrt????? i know its just precaution and all, but nevertheless, its still freaking ridiculous. people thristy also cannot drink water. urgh!!!!!!

anyway back to topic, SHINee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

guess what, before their performance, i was secretly hoping that they would perform jojo. AND THEY REALLY DID!! super super love their performance!! in all, they sang replay, jojo and rdd. v happy that my "wish" was kinda granted kkkkkkk

after the performance was over, we cab to eliz's house. the stupid taxi driver was driving so slow like tortoise lo. purposely one lo kns. plus its midnight lo got midnight charges!!! urgh.

bro came to fetch me this morning with his new car. so funny lo, that retarded baby don't know the way back her house. all thanks to the great me!! kkkkkkk

Rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka rocka~
lol, i'm supposed to be lying on the bed resting and feeling weak all over, but i'm getting high. oh god, is this SHINee fever????

before i end off, i'd like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes! and of course the presents! i really appreciate it :)

ps: one of the flower dropped off T_T im so sorry i don't think i can even grow a plant!!!! im such a failure lol.


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