You could be my pet Cloud.

cabbed over to cvt last thursday and friday, and guess how much was it for both days? freaking $81.70!!!!! lucky company offered to pay for my transport expense.

i finally get to see the pokemons at there hahaha... abra, snorlex, psyduck, hitmonlee and hitmonchan LOL!!

and polo did a bloody dumb thing yesterday, from what i've heard from mum this morning. he went to drink oil. of all things, OIL!!!!!!!!!!!! and ended up vomitting a few times.

my dear boy, 你不要命了是不是!!

no wonder yesterday he snuggled up on my hands and took a nap silently. usually, he would bite my hands (the same way like he's biting his toys) in a pretty violent way.

today's lunch was ma you ji plus rice @ bedok corner. yummy! was recommended by fel, and this is something that i've learnt, never doubt her recommendations! :)

dental appointment on sunday was ok, albeit was still quite scared. did the molding of my mouth. got the sting feeling when my tongue touches it. acidic perhaps?

dentist was real friendly, she kinda chased most of my fears away. however due to being a curious cat, i went to find a video of how a wisdom tooth is being extracted. and now i am paranoid.

bloody dumb.


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