bury your head

last friday outing with clique:

watch ice age 3 at amk hub. i swear it was freaking funny, esp with fer sitting beside me. she was like laughing all the time even before the show started hahaha and y'know her laughter is super contagious one lol.

i'll never forget the part when everyone has already stopped laughing at the characters who changed their voices after breathing in this gas (think is helium), then got this little kid suddenly laugh so loud, LOL! a bit slow uh?

after movie, we meet up with sand then trained to serangoon, and walk to this café at kovan. so cool la there no seats one is all cushions. got this very homey feel~

ordered food and drinks. their cheese fries are good! and we finally play taboo..


swing: what do you do to newborn kids?
me: beat!

swing: mouse eat what?
lucas: mouse eat cat!

swing: what do you use to pluck your eyebrows?
lucas: clipper?
me: eye clipper?
rach: tongs!

LOL!!! and seriously no pun intended to the beating of newborn kids lol it's true that newborns need to cry hahaha...



learnt something new during french - Il est nul! (it means he sucks) hahah.

and the tutor made a fool of himself lo, he thought he still remember fer's name in the end call her what gabrielle LOL somemore say "i still remember your name" so confidently to her hahaha!! and he even called her another name besides gabrielle hahahaha!

after french, bought bubble tea. fer's treat! today she good mood sia hahaha.. thanks ah!

then saw hee yuan, he pass us our chocolate chip cookies. he like forget who else bought from him so he gave us another tin of cookies! i like the tin a lot!! yay, next time bake cookies can put them inside =p

went to try out tep jacket and change into formal attire before efma lecture. darn sleepy during efma.. maybe cause i don't have the lecture notes with me. (brought wrong ones)

law presentation was damn funny la!! the tutor brought these lawyer robes for us to wear during presentation hahahha damn big and long!!

then got to greet him "good afternoon, your honour" hahaha.. too bad don't have the wigs or else it'll be more funny.


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