
Showing posts from September, 2009

sweet candy

friday: went to see the sports festival, ate the korean pancake, not bad.. took an express bus to seoul, slept our way there. then we took train to the guest house, wah i didn't know there're other people staying in the same room as us lo, but okay la it was still good, there's even another singaporean staying in the guest house! went to shop at myeong dong! wah that place is really a shopping paradise, we walked until legs damn pain. me and fer ate this 30cm long ice cream which cost only 1,000 won! nice nice! bought quite a number of stuff, one word: satisfied! saturday: went to world cup stadium for ASF concert! there were so many people! and we so stupid, go follow the crowd and queue with the YG fans hahahah... then we took our tickets, VIP tickets!! bought BB's light stick, niceeee. GS 25's onigiri for lunch, then went to queue up. queue till like 4 then can go in. make some new friends on the way hahaha got malaysia and china. the china one know dbsk's mi

seoul far seoul good

oh no, my earphone's spoilt. but tomorrow i'm going to seoul, so it's okay! i'll go there and buy whatever i need. tomorrow is sports festival too, i want to go support my roommate before heading for seoul.. don't know got enough time or not. anyway, for today's soccer match, LGC won the arts department by 4-0, yay!! hopefully they'll win tomorrow's matches too... last weekend we went to zooland! and it seems like many people know about it LOL. cause i don't remember telling my roommate that i'm going but she knew! zooland was great, i sat viking after so many years. the first try was darn scary lol i hid behind shumin. however the second try was shiok!! and i love the "rollar coaster"!! although it's a bit giddy but also shiok!! saw many animals, so cute.. esp the RABBITS. oh ya, some of the rabbits were so poor thing, they only had one ear and got one don't even have ears at all! MOONEH!! WHAT'D YOU DO TO THEM! haha okay j

take control, lose control

friday: only have operations mgmt for the day, then after that we went back to dorm to dry our clothes.. it was my first time washing and it was a total flop hahaha!! we didn't know there was a dryer in it, so we had to ownself squeeze our clothes dry but it was still very wet! met korean buddies then head to this traditional korean restaurant for lunch with all the other international exchange students. fer was sitting with 3 japanese hahaha i bet she felt awkward! i couldn't eat the meat at all cause it was spicy, so i ate the side dishes. it was still nice! after lunch all of us went to this principal talk. end up the principal like talk a bit only. we had to introduced ourselves in front of so many people!! a bit scary. we said hello in korean hahaha abit weird. then got to take group pic under the bloody hot sun! went to this super cosy cafe with jes and shumin's buddy. i found alfred a best friend, charlie =) poor charlie's knee was injured, he had an open wound =

recall the words you spoke to me

i finally found time to blog! okay lemme summarize on what happened. monday: didn't sleep much in the plane. i played bejeweled!! and watched a bit of night at the museum 2.. the food was bad, esp the muffin. reached incheon airport at around 7 plus korean time. met mr nam at gate D instead of E, lol. he drove us to daejeon. the journey took about 3 - 4 hours? i've been sleeping for almost the entire journey, that someone (i forgot who already) told me it's rare to see me awake hahaha.. we had a stopover at one of the rest point, where mr nam treat us some korean food. since there is still some time before our orientation, we went to our dorms first to unpack our stuff. in my room, there're 3 other korean room mates, all quite friendly and nice, just that sometimes can't communicate very well since they always speak korean most of the time. then we went for out orientation and do self introduction. my korean buddy is called maria haha.. she's very nice and helpf