recall the words you spoke to me

i finally found time to blog!

okay lemme summarize on what happened.


didn't sleep much in the plane. i played bejeweled!! and watched a bit of night at the museum 2.. the food was bad, esp the muffin.
reached incheon airport at around 7 plus korean time. met mr nam at gate D instead of E, lol.

he drove us to daejeon. the journey took about 3 - 4 hours? i've been sleeping for almost the entire journey, that someone (i forgot who already) told me it's rare to see me awake hahaha.. we had a stopover at one of the rest point, where mr nam treat us some korean food.
since there is still some time before our orientation, we went to our dorms first to unpack our stuff. in my room, there're 3 other korean room mates, all quite friendly and nice, just that sometimes can't communicate very well since they always speak korean most of the time.

then we went for out orientation and do self introduction. my korean buddy is called maria haha.. she's very nice and helpful! and she looks like one of my friend hahaha..

we went shopping at home plus for some basic necessities like table lamp, hangers, cable for internet access etc. it was very interesting to know that they don't use plastic bags for bulk purchases. the items will be kept inside a cardboard instead.

oh and, sitting inside the taxi was scary.

by the time we shopped finished, we were so straved! esp maria, she havent ate a thing for the entire day. then we went to this shop near dorm for korean food. the bibimbap was damn spicy la eat until my whole face turn red lol.

head back to dorm and took our temperature, sc was burning! hahhaa, only when ricky took for her =p in the end is false alarm la, she didn't have a fever, must be due to the food and the long walks.
didn't have any pillow and blanket for the first night, so poor thing hor! :( but lucky its not cold hahah..


first lesson was cancelled since the prof wasn't back in korea yet. so we went to eat breakfast at this bakery near the pinked building. we all had this pizza toast which was really tasty! cost only 1,500 won.

oh btw, the pinked building is located up the hill. so imagine, everyday we have to walk up the tiny hill.

then we walked to the pinked building for biz ethics. the prof spoke in a rather weird manner, cause sometimes it sound normal and sometimes it was really soft..

after lesson, me and fer went to meet her buddy and jes's buddy to pass the alien form and module form and we met the korean exchange student from nyp.

he brought us to this chinese restaurant near dorm. we ate the famous jajang myeong and this pork thingy, nice!!!

our pillows and blankies finally arrived, so thick and comfy!!

at 11pm, we head down to the gym for a dorm meeting. haha we were being introduced at there, a bit embarrassing since there were so many people.... but lucky i no need to stand up, unlike fer hahaha!!

finally had a nice sleep.. although it was rather warm with the thick blankie. bought apple juice before lesson starts.
first lesson was cultural diversity and identity. it was located at the english cafe. ohmy, it was damn boring, i really want to sleep but cannot, since the prof said it's rudeeeeee. but i can't, i mean we can't help feeling sleepy, since he spoke in a rather mono tone lol.

had our lunched at the canteen below the bakery. i ate the cheesy katsu don. niceeee!! but very full!

next lesson was critical and creative thinking, also held at the english cafe. the prof was darn funny la, he always smile for no reason! he somehow reminds me of mr bean LOL! the lesson was quite interesting, we were given a list of interesting questions like:

1. A farmer has seventeen cows; all but eight die. How many cows does the farmer have left?

2. Can you throw a golf ball with all your might and, without hitting a wall or other obstruction, have it stop and come right back to you?

3. Divide 30 by half and add ten.

4. On a windy day, a rooster lays an egg on a roof, which side of the roof does the egg roll down?

5. Imagine you are in a sinking rowboat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive?

6. A fishing boat is lying in the harbour. There is a rope ladder hanging over the side with its end touching the water. The rungs of the ladder are 1 metre apart and the tide is rising at 50cm an hour. At the end of 6 hours, how many of the rungs will be covered?

(all kope from fer's blog)

after the lesson, we went back to our dorm to rest, then head to down town with 2 of my room mates. it was a 15min ride to downtown. wah, that place really is a shopping heaven!! so many things there and there're so cheap!! but we decide to save money first, next time then go shop all we want at there =)


first lesson was events mgmt. it sound fun, and should be fun, since there's no written test. but we need to help out at the kotesol event and organise a carol event during christmas period. i'm in charge of the venue!

head down hill for brunch at the bakery, then me, fer and sc went to walk around outside campus area while waiting for jes and shumin to finish their lesson.

we ate baskin robbins!! super nice and cheap la, like 2500won only?? imagine in singapore, one scoop of ben and jerry's cost like 4-5 bucks? zzz

next lesson was biz ethics. had to read through a bribery case. quite boring.

then we head back to dorm to rest before heading out for dinner with the rest of the exchange students at this restaurant call D chicken something.
it was quite squeezy since there were quite a number of people. all of us did a self introduction before we dig in. we had pizza, fried chicken and spicy pork. the spicy pork thing was nice!! cause not very spicy hahaha..

most of them gtg after dinner, while the rest of us with some of our buddies head to this pub, actually intend to go drinking, but cause there were not enough space for all of us, so we went to this japanese restaurant instead for soju and other stuff.

all drank strawberry soju while i drank peach juice, hahaha! fer was happily eating this weird weird stuff that looks like a mini version of snails... and i finally ate something kimchi related which was not spicy at all yay! it's kimchi pancake. nicenicenice.

haha sc was kinda drunk after 2 half cups of soju, her face went really red... and everyone started teasing her about sending her back to sg through ems.

here are some pictures that i took in random order:

this machine catch lobster instead of soft toy

from left to right: maria (my buddy), shumin's buddy (forget her name) and jiyong (jes's buddy)

this is the mini version of snails that fer likes

baskin robbins

the hill which we have to "climb" everyday

my ice cream!! chocolate mousse

look at that shop at the second level. it's the goong shop!

the streets at downtown

failed attempt to take a picture on the bus.

the classroom

the "haunted" house that we have to pass by everyday lol

note to self: calculate the total amount spent


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