let me hear your voice

I made this video playlist at myflashfetish.com

8th thursday:

2am came today, but we didn't get to see them cause they came super early! =(

9th friday:

shopped @ SAY, the went to home plus.

after home plus, we went to see brown eyed girls. it was filled with guys okay! they already so tall, still bring chair wakao!! but i still can see them from the side. i think BEG don't sing abracadabra well during live.. they sang "you raise me up" better!

supper inside the tent.. first time eating at there since hannam festival started hehe. saw ah young! she sat behind us. when we were back in the dorm, she texted us something funny like "hallo ma babies" LOL and she admit that she's drunk.

13th tuesday:

my first time eating at the dorm cafeteria! the old one bankrupt already so new one came in hahahha i think it's niceee curry rice!

14th wednesday:

during cultural, we were seperated =(

i was grouped with jack (the jj lin lookalike), sophy (shumin's roommate) and alvin. sophy was emitting some scary aura around her so i don't dare to talk to her =s we were supposed to think of things that can be improved in the dorm then the guys said allow alcohol and isy LOL then sophy said no drinking and smoking so i was like stuck in the middle don't know what to write -.-
had stomachache, slept from 6pm to 9pm ~.~

16th friday:

saw two cute little(?) dogs on the hill! fer was like saying "i want to own a dog!" hahaha..

met ah young to settle hp bill then head to downtown. accompanied fer to find hotel, we walked one big round when it's so damn near -_-

dinner @ currypot!! <3

17th saturday:

woke up @ 6am for KOTESOL training. super cold la! like below 10 degrees.

played some icebreaker games.. george was standing beside me holding his cute little dog pipi! it's a maltese. pipi is so cute can she's not shy with strangers hahhaha...

our lunch was kimbap -_- it's one super long roll.

we're all in the registration group. the training was actually not really necessary, it's quite common sense we can learn it on that day itself.

after training, fer went to meet her family while the rest of us head back to daejeon.

19th monday:

L didn't teach a thing during events and performance mgmt and she even managed to persuade the guys to go for KOTESOL -_-

its damn funny the whole thing.

(neil, june and michael walks into the room)
L: are you guys free on saturday?
neil: why?
L: i need you guys to help out on friday.
neil: what thing?
L: kotesol
neil: i'm not sure..
jason: if you don't go, you will get F!
neil: what time is it?
L: it's from 5pm.
neil: i think i can make it.
L: what about you, june?
june: i got a part time job.
L: what time is does your job start?
june: 12am
L: oh, it's okay. i will allow you to leave earlier so you can reach daejeon before 12am.
june: okay..
neil: will we get volunteering hours?
L: of course!
neil and june: okayokay!!
(kyung walks in, and everyone starts clapping LOL!!)
jason: you're in!!
kyung: ?? (still shocked)
jason: you must go for kotesol or you will get F!


after lesson, we went to downtown to shop, bought 2 hoodies from evisu!

met fer and her family for dinner.

20th tuesday:

was wide awake during biz ethics, fer was dozing off as usual hahaha..

costco gave us chicken baked at 10pm -.- more like beef baked.

21st wednesday:

sat with chloe during cultural. she draws really well! she even drew todd's face lmao!

operations mgmt test was crap (but..), so was creative thinking test.

22nd thursday:

head to seoul @ around 4pm. picnic on the bus LOL! i've learnt my lesson, never drink coffee on the bus. it made me feel like vomitting.

reached namu house at around 8pm. moon is not around, she got a new helper, jin!

went to walk around honggae. saw the noraebang that 2pm went in wild bunny!! hahah it's called prince edward. saw this really big husky, go see my fb and you'll know how big is it.

read twilight before i sleep. yes i'm so slow.

23rd friday:

moon's sunny side up and cereals for breakfast!

cab down to COEX. saw many fishes~~ curry donkatsu for lunch yummy! trained down to sookmyeong for KOTESOL!

wah they really made full use of the manpower.. we were like coolies la! carry so many heavy stuff!! dinner was crap, the dishes were cold.

i thought today is my lucky day cause i saw the 2 headed tortoise at COEX but then again today is definitely not my day!

back at namu house, i tripped and fall and knock onto a brick. my lips were bleeding la =(

okay, almost everybody knows the reason why i tripped, thanks to SOME people. to think about it, it's really ridiculous.... and stupid!

we distrubed the alex in our room lol he was sleeping (?) but i think we were too noisy and he ended up in the living room chatting =s

24th saturday:

sleepy and tired during KOTESOL.. i was in charged of greeting people and ask for their family name zzz.. i have greeted at least 500 people okay!! until my voice is almost gone.

after kotesol, we went back to namu house to sleep until 6pm.

went to honggae to shop again.

26th monday:

tai tai cooked for us scramble eggs for breakfast! =D

cab to express bus terminal area to shop. went to shinsegae, put our luggage down and shop!!

bought krispy kreme donuts for my roommates.

reached dorm at 8plus.. dinner was cold noodles. leng myeong <3

27th tuesday:

skip performance mgmt (anyway i heard that only 5 people went hahaha).

woke up at 12 plus to get prepared for biz ethics.

majid was showing us videos and videos la zzz..

28th wednesday:

i wrote crap for cultural test. i remember one question is to talk about a disagreement with someone because of a word or phase, and i wrote about the word bitch LOL. it means female dog but it maybe a vulgar word for some people blah blah blah...

operations mgmt, got back our test. first time in my life (okay maybe not first but it has been YEARS) i saw a number starting with 9. i got 90/100!!! happy can hahaha... anyway i think majid is too lenient la.

majid was using banana republic as an example for some supply chain thingy, then that sc ah, go talk about banana and majid laughed lol. and there is this girl call sue in our class, majid asked what is supply chain, she replied "value chain", then majid asked what is value chain, she said "supply chain", LOL!

got back creative thinking results too. i got B/B >:(

bought something for mr nam, he's leaving daejeon for seoul by this week! i bet tai tai must be heartbroken hahahaha!


just came back from fer's room. it's almost 2am now, and i'm so sleepy... goodnight folks. (sounds familiar? haha)


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