
Showing posts from May, 2010


first lesson of the day was HRM tutorial. cml is really a nice lady =) hope all my tutors will be the same as her but i doubt so. yilin so lucky lo, just came into class straight away be the hrm rep hahaha! and we had our groupings for ica2 already. oh and there's also 2 exchange students in my hrm class. one is from Germany and the other from Finland. after class which only last for one hour, we head to south for breakfast. wah we had a very filling breakfast - Japanese food (rice, chicken, egg and miso soup) since there's still so much time left before lecture starts, we walked around the biz buildings (led by yilin who has the potential to be a tour guide hahaha) saw swing in the classroom. she stepped on my feet with her stupid heels AHHHHHHHH PAIN LIKE HELL LA!! my toes almost snap lo. haha ok joking. hrm lecture was dead boring, but i didn't doze off. y'see, am trying my best to stick to my third year resolutions =p ok, i'm going to do my tutorial later! hope


i'm too energetic too sleep even though i have to wake up like 6.45am tomorrow. school is pretty slack for now. well, what can you expect from first week? =p haix, wish that every week is the same~~ yay, mummy is coming back in one week's time! ^^

you don't define me.

wow, it has been a long time since i last blogged. life is good, relaxing, enjoyable.... calm. almost a week since mom left for China. yay, no naggings from her! hehe =D but i got to do housework =( i'm a natural ok!!! hahaha! ok i lied. still, i miss her much... if i do not have school, i would have gone along with her. school school school.... so, tomorrow is the first day of my third year. wah to think about it, it has been 8 months since i studied in nyp. so long!! anyway, i should have some third year resolutions right? these are what i can think of: 1: always do my homework (i will try) 2: must not sleep during lectures (if the lecture is not boring) 3: do not be late for class (i will try too) 4: never skip tutorials/lectures (if its not important, then..... we shall see) haha.. this always happens. always. everytime before a new semester starts, i will tell myself to do homework. but in the end, i drag and drag till either i didn't do the homework or i bring to school