
Showing posts from August, 2009


right now, words can't seem to be able to describe how i really feel. anticipating yet scared? prolly. this whole thing just feels so surreal.. i need some time to process it. anyway, i will be back! soon, hopefully. p.s: don't bully alfred when i'm away!

cold eyes baby

thursday: one of the most embarrassing day of my life. i thought my exam venue was at the sports hall, so i went from zone 1 to zone 3 in search for my seat, but none of them looked the least bit familiar to me. i had to trouble my course manager to help me check for my exam venue. in the end, the venue was at the theatre for the arts, so yeah, i ran liked some mad fellow -.- even though i was late, i still managed to finish my paper within an hour! finally something worth being happy about hahah.. went to eliz's house and watch some funny shows while she was studying. haha i was laughing-out-loud most of the time while watching idol army and wild bunny. sorry ah ma for being so inconsiderate!! hahaah and jagger scare the hell outta me quite a few times, cause i was watching show on her bed (quite engrossed), then he suddenly jumped up the bed to rest -.- friday: another one of my most embarrassing day of my life. me and fer went to collect our visa at gold bell tower. it was ve

you drive me crazy

my hand, my neck, my eyes, are tired. and yes, i, am, about, to, go, crazy.

study mode

took the jab yesterday, it was quite funny cause i can see babies taking jabs in the next and next next door. some were crying like some kinda... (haha i shall not say it) and some were smiling away right in my face!! (they shouldn't smile at someone who is feeling scared) btw, my sense of urgency still haven't arrive. tomorrow is my first paper already and i can still blog and watch shows hahahaha.. i'm just taking my own sweet time to study la. and that is why at this rate, coconuts will drop on my head. urgh, why is there such a thing called examination!! whoever implemented it really got nothing better to do. nvm i shall look on the bright side once again, just 1 more week and i'm freeeee~ and start preparing for my unrealistic trip!!


last day of year 2 sem 1, was told that dress code is red, and ohgod, i shouldn't have wore red........... it's like wherever i go, everyone's wearing red too!! nevermind, look on the bright side, we're just being patriotic. exactly a week more to biz law exam, and i haven't started reading up on it. it seems like my sense of urgency will be arriving late. and i should stop watching dramas, it makes me lose my concentration, but i always give in to temptation :/ sigh... will be taking flu jab next week, and even though i've just gone for a minor surgery, i'm still v.v scared!!! why am i sucha coward, i need to borrow some courage.


i think, it might be possible for me to pass ICTS afterall haha.. i was paired up with oliver, lucky he know how to do some of the stuff that idk. hate the date/time thing most! totally clueless about it la. after lesson, we waited for swing to end her "work" then head to the minds cafe to celebrate lucas belated birthday. haha the apple guy who used to work at the prinsep outlet was there too, and i seriously think he should let other staff explain the game for us, lol. the hand game was the funniest! sand's reaction was so damn funny la.. and guess who got the most cards? it's swing!!! i got the least hahaha.. okay, okay be humble. no pics due to this lousy blogger. i should consider changing to livejournal or something next time. oh yes, i finally found nice shows to watch on the telly!! 9pm channel 8 got this hk drama! then 10pm got ftly on channel u! haha i'm so gonna watch it again though i've finished watching ftly like ages ago :x and now, i shall go


sunday: karaoke was fun, since it was with the foolz. really miss their company a lot. we made eliz sing so many songs hehe =p there were quite a number of chinese songs that are really nice.. monday: i really wonder where'd i gather that much of a courage. i bet the doctor must be thinking, "he never had a patient like me before". lol. thanks eliz for the encouragement, albeit it was a funny, white lie. =) gonna remove the whiskers next week, er, i mean stitches haha it sounds gross. oh before i forgot, happy birthday lucaslow kia peng! tuesday: role-play was quite okay i guess, since we do not need to repeat it haha.. the first try was a total flop. lauren said her part before i could even realized that it should be my turn to speak. haha, i always forget my classic "Oh non" line. online test was okay, since me and fer were like discussing with each other about our answers, lol. anyway, i've got a bad feeling about tomorrow's ICTS test :/ hopefully i&


just look at wooyoung dancing!!! LOL!!! karaoke tomorrow :> role-play on tuesday :< study now.