Rambunctious emotions

last marketing lecture, we watched this thai advertisement that mr kumar said we would definitely cry, or maybe at least have some tears in our eyes.

so it was supposed to be a sad advertisement, but we ended up laughing away! cause it was really funny when the girl played the violin, her hair went up & down like crazy. it turns out to be a pantene advertisement -_-

lunched @ south... most of them had hokkein mee with a few pathetic prawns.

then we played hide & seek, fer & rach were the seekers. this is the funniest hide & seek la!

me & swing were stationed by the stairs. suddenly, swing told us to run cause she saw fer pointing at her from below so we ran to another stairs... but then no signs of fer & rach, so we thought that swing was hallucinating! in the end, it was really fer :s

the ultimate part is when lucas saw fer opening the level 5 door, we ran through the tutorial rooms & almost went into the guys toilet unknowingly!

lucas was like, "come in! come in!", somemore he was doing those welcome-to-the-toilet hand gestures... sand was the only observant one, she stopped in time to realized that it was not the girls toilet, but she realized it in a rather funny way, cause she was looking up & down the toilet door with that stunned expression! (try picturing it & you'll get what i mean haha)

worst case scenerio: our reputation was gone when malaysian man walked out of the toilet & gave us a shocked/wth-are-you-girls-doing-here look LOL!!!

i shall end off with some pigz from yesterday..

credits to shucas

preparing to lao yu sheng..

self-reminder: do tut 9, 11 & 13 concept checks/challenges

yay, will be able to watch Korean HYD episode 9 & 10 soon! but first gotta mug excel. please please don't lemme fail with flying coconuts...


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