close up camera one

in the end, i used back my same name for french hahaha.

kylie in french is pronounced as keely, sounds damn weird can..

and thank goodness i studied a bit of french last night, cause tutor told me to spell my name in french!

"comment tu t'appelles?"

"je m'appelle kylie."

haha all i know is that i've been saying the second line during french lesson, cause we were told to get to know the rest of our classmates' french names.

seriously, nyp's population has increased rapidly this year. what we truly felt. me and fer originally planned to head south for lunch, but it was bloody crowded, so we went north instead. to our horror, north's situation was like south zzz..

end up, we just grab some sandwich from cheers, and we saw caroline working at there!

marketing lecture, lecturer was talking like bullet train as usual. but this time she had no bloody choice since there were 60 slides to cover today, that's why i caught very little balls only.

met up with shucas after lecture and had the pm temperature taken. hang out at north while waiting for the next lecture. fer did something really embarrassing hahaa! (sorry, there's still partial memory of the ice incident left in my brain)

dozed off during efma lecture, haha can't help it. then had biz law tut! lucky no tea session this time. tutor was talking some very chim words which leave us totally clueless. what, parent act?

okay, i need to study for tomorrow's icts test. wish me luck! i wanna pass with flying coconuts!




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