figure out all the possibilities that went wrong

guess what, today i woke up at the wrong time and thus, i went to school at the wrong time. lesson supposed to start at 10 but i went at 9 zzz i freaking lost an hour's worth of sleep, damnit!!

i seriously need some pills to boost my memory.

french lesson was OK, just this time we had a real french person to teach us french since mr sim got something on. so almost the entire lesson i heard people sa-va-ing and we-we-ing.

"J'ai dix-huit ans." it means i have 18 years (of age).

met up with rach and mardiah for lunch @ mac's canteen. me and fer had rice bowl while the other 2 bought food from grinnning gecko.. trust me, 12-1pm is a bad time for lunch in nyp. the queue @ mac's was ridiculously long, hence this evidence supports our claim on the increase in nyp's population. what am i typing, this is so history.

oh talking about history, tomorrow my NE group is going to visit a war memorial (which i do not know) for the project! quite looking forward to it hahaha and we need all our faces in the group photo as evidence so stupid can (don't even think of photoshop).

okay back to topic, i was rather surprised that i stayed wide awake for both lectures! maybe cause biz law tut was cancelled? ha.


i was watching this superjunior full house that fer recommended to me just now. it was damn funny, can really make you roll!!! people who are stress should watch!

now i need to study for another icts test tomorrow, wish me luck and pray for my flying coconuts! =)


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