heartwarming shows feels good watching it

i hate msn. i can't sign in for so many bloody days already la, even meebo! so people, it's not i don't want to go online it's because i can't. blame it on msn!! so damn troublesome everytime got to chat using fb.

i've got a feeling is because of some firewall stuff, which i have no idea how to fix it.

anyway, i'm currently watching bad family. quite funny! got hee chul inside, but in the show he is quite man. i prefer him to act more girly, hahaha! like that more funny mah..

oh and, how come i only got 86.7% attendance for NE?! and i got a warning letter from it!!! wth, last week got NE meh? i seriously think they made a mistake la zzz

sigh, long day ahead tomorrow.

self-reminder: do law tut and practice french. you sangaporienne?


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