shawty shawty shawty shawty


scored 19/25 for icts test haha only improve by 1 mark and finally get to meet my group members. access sucks.

our class decided to bond a bit by having lunch together lol. in the end it was like only me bonding -.-

know what, i think supply chain is the best module so far, cause it's quite a dead module. plus our tutor/lecturer was kind enough to let us do elearn at home haha!

so after supply chain tut, we went to national museum. somehow, i got separated with the rest of the girls, so i went with the guys to this national gallery thingy. we were each given this device for us to listen to the history of singapore, but i doubt anyone really listens to it lol.

so we walk walk walk then went to find the rest of them and of course take group pictures!


a very sleepy day almost couldn't wake up and i forgot to bring supply chain lecture notes zzz so i studied biz finance during lecture.

biz finance tut was okay, at least the tutor wasn't that aggressive like during the previous tut when she stomp her feet and poke people's laptop..

lunch at north, then went to collect the new ezlink card. looks the same to me.

icts project is quite retarded. we got to create a gmail account for the google part damn lame...


zzz i forgot that today's lessons starts at 12 instead of 2, so i went to school for nothing! there goes my attendance..

meet the rest who were having their lunch at mac's, then gloria jeans. played hangman!


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