



i regretted going to see the performance. i waited for more than 2 freaking hours just to see lee seung gi but i got squashed and worst still, i only get to see his face once!!! im damn irritated by those people who kept on pushing when there's no space!!

but oh well... he sang 4 songs =D and another one song from shining inheritance!!!!

i'm so jealous of erin la, she get to sit at the first row thanks to ricky. and her group were the ones who asked him to sing the shining inheritance song!! ^^

2am will be coming to my school tomorrow, and on friday would be brown eyed girls. i wanna see both groups perform but............. i won't risk my life again. nooooooo... unless erin got space for me to sit then i will go see hahaha..

after the performance, me and sc went to find the rest at the soju restaurant. they were drinking kiwi soju la, know how to enjoy life.

sigh, i dread going for tomorrow's lesson.


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