i don't care eh eh eh eh eh

i shall take this time to update since its chu seok!!

the streets looks haunted at night haha.. it's like cny in sg.

22nd tuesday:

louisa's sick, so no performance mgmt and events mgmt yay!!!!

25th friday:

watch "the ugly truth" @ SAY. we were one of the few souls in the theatre haha..

dinner with buddies, omelette rice is like half filled with onions zzz.

waited for ah young then we went to the opposite cafe to chill out. they sell rotiboy!! so cool..

forgot to bring my key so i was locked outisde :(

then sandy helped me to ask for a spare key hehe.

i'll never forget to bring my key out again!! (hopefully)

26th sat:

bought a cellphone like finally. i got myself a cyon. and the phone so stupid lo, i set english already still got so many korean words inside !#$*(^&

had late brunch @ han's deli then we went to downtown to shop again!

omg i think i spent like 200,000 won? not including the cellphone i bought. need to start saving money already!! but the downtown is like a shopping paradise!!! i think its better than myeong dong la!

sigh, i should avoid downtown. (but i don't think i can haha)

at night, everyone gathered in my room to watch family outing! hahha we had to control our laughter :x

27th sunday:

rain the whole day, totally ruined our sunday mood.

so damn bloody cold, but we still went to home plus.

i shall not order bibambap again, everytime super spicy, eat until my whole face go red la :(

28th monday:

open a korean bank account. i'm so poor, only got 20,000 won in my account!! any kind soul wanna donate some $$$? hahhaha..

sigh, as expected, mr nam lost the battle to louisa, which means we cannot attend the international field trip... i wanna go mt. sorak!!! *($%*&

met ah young and chill out at this blooming flowers cafe which was still under renovation when we first came to daejeon.. i ordered strawberry smoothy, but its like im eating strawberry ice.

share cup chicken with fer and jes for dinner, yumyum!

29th tuesday:

i finally had my room meeting hahhaha.

went to eat bbq pork, the second type of meat is like satay.

erin treat me drink, but in return i've to do creative thinking hw for her LOL!

30th wednesday:

omg time past super fast, it's already 1 month :(

jacklyn's last day in lgc cause she found a job. so weird their education system, cause once they find a job, they no need to study anymore.

we bought an ice cream cake from baskin robbins!! then so many people came in to eat also hahha...

1st thursday:

everyone went back to their hometown today! so i'm room alone, lol.

2nd friday:

rot the whole day, no where to go.

we tabao kyo chon chicken back to dorm haha...

went to the gym at night, so funny la we made up a formation especially for.... AHEM LOL!!

3rd saturday:

the chu seok celebration sucks, cause it's all in korean, so we decide to isolate ourselves hahha..

the food they provide is so yummy!! and we got gifts LOL tissue and toothpaste! its good actually since my toothpaste is running out =p

went to the rotiboy cafe again. next time i'll remember to take picture of their interior, cause you'll never be able to find it in sg. the sofas are like wowwwww those palace kind. and there's a piano on the second level, fer and shumin were playing with it until they don't want to come down already lo hahhaa.. .

gym at night again, this is how we aliens spend our chu seok days.


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