Beautiful Hangover

21st August

ok first of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOONEH! ^^

went to meet her straight after work. i waited for so long, till the police patrolling might think i'm suspicious kkk lucky to have "the cloud sketcher" keep me occupied.

gave her Mighty wallet as birthday present. must emphasize, its MIGHTY. made of plastic fiber which is water resistant. curious? just google mighty wallet will do.

dine @ pastamania, we had the same - chicken ham crumble cheese pasta (something like that)
cheesy enough.

stroll to cine, bought the tickets and ate frolicks. imo, yami yoghurt tastes much nicer!! the frolick's strawberry taste like medicine! y'know, ANTIBIOTICS!!!! COLOUR ALSO THE SAME!
HA, still edible la. but raisins were as hard as rock.

so despite the pic above, we didn't watch Inception in the end :(
instead, we caught Love in Disguise.
it was decent, more of comedy than romance.
the fool sitting next to me was laughing her head off!

after movie, we shop around. yy bought a bag! quite nice. i saw one bag at the editor's choice shop, v niceeee! but i've decided, no buying anymore stuff on impulse :)

20th August

i was thinking of what to type, on this day. what happened?
first thing that came to my mind - Sand's 9 mins.
she said, she will arrive 9mins later. we asked her, "you sure?" and she was confident.
so we count down, by 12.52pm if she isn't here yet, she will treat us either lunch or ben&jerry's.
in the end, she wasn't even here at 1pm! hahaha! we know her well enough. confrim LATE.

our plan was to have lunch at ashton's. but then.... we are so not fated to eat at there. the person actually told us no more chicken or fish! then what, only beef? cause swing cannot eat beef, we had to change our plan.

so as you can see, we dine at fish&co. my first time eating at there. i ate swiss fish and chips! nice!

chat about our poly life, the conflicts we have in class. was interesting hahaha! and from the talk, i think my class is the most peaceful. hardly any conflicts, or you can say none. so thankful for that LOL. i can't imagine my class having war.
and yes, projects do ruin relationships! that's so saddening.

fer left first, cause she got to attend the CN BLUE concert. so many kpop artists coming to SG nowadays. i can't wait for Big Bang :>

watch STEP UP 3. thou' i didn't watch the previous 2, i can say it was really good, and i mean the dance. it can really keep your eyes glued to the screen. storyline was predictable.

next we had ben&jerry's! we were good, kind souls. so we didn't make Sand to pay. hahaha!
awwww how i miss Baskin Robbins :<

17th August

woah, it's been a super long time since i last entered carrefour. this time we went there to shop for picnic food.
that boo, he everything also put inside the trolley. never think of the cost!
when the total cost was shown, $70+!

took a cab to marina barrage. the last time i went there was because of this events job with eliz and dine hahaha! so many memories.

set up the picnic area under a shelter. best spot! cause it was friggin hot under the sun.
we eat and eat and eat while waiting for felix to come.

elli was fascinated with mamee monster! i even taught her how to eat it hahaha and yes she like it! the HENG'S cake shop chocolate muffins was horrible. expected. y'know, HENG. familiar not huh, hahaha!

felix was like 2 hours late, but at least he brought the kites. however it was drizzling, dark clouds everywhere...... :(

so while waiting for the dark clouds to disperse, boo had this crazy idea. he use the food available, play with it around and whoever got 3 diamonds had to eat his creation!
kinda like a challenge game. and i was the first unlucky one to eat his creation.
actually to think of it, winston and felix was the most unlucky. winston actually had to drink this orange + apple + mango juice with chocolate raisins and strawberry!
contrary to our beliefs, he said it tasted like fruit punch LOL!
felix had the HENG'S choco muffin soaked with fresh milk and choco raisins, topping up with cheese doritos and the super soft hotdog from the can! HAHAHA!!
disgusting right!

awhile later, the drizzle stopped but the wind was still strong, good for kite flying!
the kite was kinda scary cause it has the face of the chinese mask. somemore... its the 7th month LOL!

took bus 400 back. we actually missed our stop w/o knowing haha! so we alight at some unknown place. had to ask around, a bit throw face as Singaporeans.
so, we were at tanjong pagar. pro!
marina barrage - tanjong pagar

i had fun! we should organise another picnic session soon (@nyp LOL). this time with yilin!


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