Caught off-guard

hayyy! i managed to revamp my blog within an hour for the first time. usually i took the entire day :b

so, it has been a long time since i blogged. look! previous post was the beginning of the sem, today marks the end of the sem. this shows that time really flies.

sadly to say, i didn't follow ANY of my 3rd year resolutions. hahaha!!

well, i had my ica3 for Mangaing Inventory yesterday, and i'm confident that I WILL PASS! ok, i know i should aim further, like getting an A, but what to do... since i get contented v easily. hahaha, sounds like im praising myself.

gonna head for school in a few hours time, cause i "volunteered" for tomorrow's YOG event. the reason why i put "volunteered" is because its not really volunteering, since i get somethings in return like 2 CCA points and free stuff like cola. i remembered one tutor mentioning that volunteering means you actually volunteer to do something w/o getting ANYTHING in return. see, i got pay attention one ok!

for my IPP, i got attached to DHL, but still don't know what department i'm being posted to yet. hopefully its the procurement/purchasing department! and hope i got posted to the central branch, if kena Changi then i GG already. maybe i should pester my bro to fetch me everyday, but i bet he'll charge me $.

talking about my bro, his arowana and some tigers died yesterday HAHAHAHA!!! due to lack of oxgyen, he indirectly killed his precious dumb fishes. but the irritating thing is, he is off to buy other fishes to replace the dead fishes like NOW (he's at the yishun fish shop again. i hope it close down :x). urgh! i don't get it, what is so nice about fishes? they only swim and swim all day long and never close their eyes and require so many things to maintain the fish plus the tank and and and..... the list goes on.

tomorrow is ENTREP DAY! got to present our biz idea to a panel of judges. really hope that my team will excel, since we put in so much effort. though a bit thick skin, i must say that m v proud of my team hahahah!

do take a look at the biz website (credits to yilin): (JUST LOOK AT THE COMMENTS HAHAHAHA!!!)


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