
Showing posts from May, 2009

race against time

Heaven's Postman Synopsis: A messenger that has the ability to travel between the present and the afterworld. Shin Jae Joon was involved in an accident that put him in a coma. Now, his spirit has the ability to travel back and forth to the afterworld and the real world. He meets Jo Ha Na as she is trying to send her boyfriend a letter. Ha Na, however, is the only person who can see Jae Joon. i'm so gonna watch this show!! really like the idea of time travelling =D anyway, had ICTS presentation today. the school's computer is so sucky can take so long to load our website. after tomorrow's biz finance ica1 i'm going to watch EHB that fer recommend!! haha can't wait!

act first, think later

i have no idea why i replied fer with "having sweet dream" this morning. till i check my sent items, i was like what?? -_- don't remember having any sweet dream, only nightmare of a murder scene at a kitchen and i was one of the detectives hahahha! i know who's the murderer, it's rach!! she's a ruthless one, cause she wanna stab me to death =( went to meet the rest at library, my first time there since school started haha. all of us studied efma. didn't listen during marketing lecture, was busy studying efma... the test was alright, but i made quite a few mistakes :/ i wrote the amount for bonus share under share capital instead of retained earnings zzz and i forgot to minus the 9.8mil vendor shares from the total shares of 250mil!! hai... there goes my flying coconuts. law tut was pretty crap. leeyy was like talking to himself most of the time... then we were discussing about this case whereby if someone uses the toilet in a shop and accidentally slipped

false impression

sat: happy birthday to my grandma!! =) went to my godma's house to celebratemy grandma's 70th birthday yesterday. they order some catering service which cost $700+ wth -.- around 70 people came, most of them i dont know one so i stay in the study room with my cousins to chat since i dont like greating people whom i do not know haha im so rude. one relative compliment my bro being fit then he became so proud LOL i feel like kicking him!! but it was funny cause everyone was like whoa~ then went to watch night at the museum 2. so while waiting for the midnight show to start, we went to eat supper! the pancake quite nice, got egg and pork floss on it yumyum. anyway, the show was really entertaining. most of the time i was busy laughing at their silly actions and words hahaha! - these are some pictures that i took from my godma's mini garden.. guess what is this? it's a cucumber!!! so weird lo the shape. this one is quite simple hor? tomato la! this is quite difficult... it&

heartwarming shows feels good watching it

i hate msn. i can't sign in for so many bloody days already la, even meebo! so people, it's not i don't want to go online it's because i can't. blame it on msn!! so damn troublesome everytime got to chat using fb. i've got a feeling is because of some firewall stuff, which i have no idea how to fix it. anyway, i'm currently watching bad family. quite funny! got hee chul inside, but in the show he is quite man. i prefer him to act more girly, hahaha! like that more funny mah.. oh and, how come i only got 86.7% attendance for NE?! and i got a warning letter from it!!! wth, last week got NE meh? i seriously think they made a mistake la zzz sigh, long day ahead tomorrow. self-reminder: do law tut and practice french. you sangaporienne?

shawty shawty shawty shawty

wed: scored 19/25 for icts test haha only improve by 1 mark and finally get to meet my group members. access sucks. our class decided to bond a bit by having lunch together lol. in the end it was like only me bonding -.- know what, i think supply chain is the best module so far, cause it's quite a dead module. plus our tutor/lecturer was kind enough to let us do elearn at home haha! so after supply chain tut, we went to national museum. somehow, i got separated with the rest of the girls, so i went with the guys to this national gallery thingy. we were each given this device for us to listen to the history of singapore, but i doubt anyone really listens to it lol. so we walk walk walk then went to find the rest of them and of course take group pictures! thursday: a very sleepy day almost couldn't wake up and i forgot to bring supply chain lecture notes zzz so i studied biz finance during lecture. biz finance tut was okay, at least the tutor wasn't that aggressive like durin

figure out all the possibilities that went wrong

guess what, today i woke up at the wrong time and thus, i went to school at the wrong time. lesson supposed to start at 10 but i went at 9 zzz i freaking lost an hour's worth of sleep, damnit!! i seriously need some pills to boost my memory. french lesson was OK, just this time we had a real french person to teach us french since mr sim got something on. so almost the entire lesson i heard people sa-va-ing and we-we-ing. "J'ai dix-huit ans." it means i have 18 years (of age). met up with rach and mardiah for lunch @ mac's canteen. me and fer had rice bowl while the other 2 bought food from grinnning gecko.. trust me, 12-1pm is a bad time for lunch in nyp. the queue @ mac's was ridiculously long, hence this evidence supports our claim on the increase in nyp's population. what am i typing, this is so history. oh talking about history, tomorrow my NE group is going to visit a war memorial (which i do not know) for the project! quite looking forward to it haha

tiffany blews

MySpace Music Playlist at if im not wrong, the degree of my eyes have increased cause during lecture i have a hard time looking at the slides... or is it because the words are smaller than usual? hai.. tomorrow got lessons from 10 to 6, and got french class! still need to remember all of my classmate's french name which i doubt i can. i dread tuesdays and thursdays most!


wed: during icts, i made a fool of myself, cause i sat at the wrong seat and was still quite confident that it's my seat LOL. anyway, i got 18/25 for the test.. i forgot where we had lunch already. then had supply chain tut and went for the osep talk with fer, rach and sand. the finland talk was very funny! thursday: went to the wrong lecture room zzz something is wrong with me these days. biz finance tut was rather tense, cause we don't know how to do! according to guohan, the tutor was so angry that she stomp her feet lol! lunched at north, had japanese food lol im gonna stop purchasing from yong tau foo store for awhile. after marketing tut, we slacked at mac canteen while waiting for our pem to have his meal. i bought honey green tea, cyl bought honey red tea i think, while the guys bought macs.. their honey green not bad! then we went to get the recommendation letter from pem. lol busy thinking of words to praise ourselves, crap. friday: had efma tut. grouped with people i

close up camera one

in the end, i used back my same name for french hahaha. kylie in french is pronounced as keely, sounds damn weird can.. and thank goodness i studied a bit of french last night, cause tutor told me to spell my name in french! "comment tu t'appelles?" "je m'appelle kylie." haha all i know is that i've been saying the second line during french lesson, cause we were told to get to know the rest of our classmates' french names. seriously, nyp's population has increased rapidly this year. what we truly felt. me and fer originally planned to head south for lunch, but it was bloody crowded, so we went north instead. to our horror, north's situation was like south zzz.. end up, we just grab some sandwich from cheers, and we saw caroline working at there! marketing lecture, lecturer was talking like bullet train as usual. but this time she had no bloody choice since there were 60 slides to cover today, that's why i caught very little balls only. me

you know the words

lately, i've been playing fb games too often. whoever told me to play RC!!! haha i hired eliz and dine as my assistant chefs. be honoured, both of you! and my poor cousin who didn't know a thing, he became my cleaner. rc is pretty easy to play, all i need to do is to make sure my workers are well fed and get ingredients to learn new dishes thats all. okay, enough of fb. I NEED A FRENCH NAME TOMORROW!! i can't find my own name on the website given. there's only 1 pathetic K name la, so most prolly i'll take karine. it's pronounced as 'gave-in'. self-reminder: study ICTS and read up on french!

once is enough

school was boring, esp that 3 hours break. and i finally kena my first caterpillar in my bowl of yong tau foo so suay can....... cyl helped me to get a new bowl, haha thanks again! Atashinchi no Danshi These days, the term "homeless" has taken on new meaning. There are youths referred to as "net cafe refugees," who have neither a job nor a place to live, but who find themselves hopping around internet cafes. One such refugee is a 20-year-old girl named Chisato, who lost her mother at a young age due to sickness. She spent her youth trying to escape from the huge debt her father left her, and her battle with the repossessors unfolded every night. However, her life changed after meeting one man named Shinzo, changing her views on the meaning of "family." Shinzo comes from a rich family tracing back to the Edo period, and he adopted six good-looking sons with the hope of one becoming his successor, but all of them have strange personalities. Shinzo promises t